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Welcome to Tallinn for 2024/25¶
Taizé friends in Estonia are looking forward to receive the 2024/25 European Meeting in Tallinn. We see this project as a great gift to our people and our country. The event is organized by the Taizé community in collaboration with the Estonian Council of Churches.

What if you planned to enter the year 2025 far from the glittery, in silence and in prayer for peace, with young people from all over Europe?
Do you know that a family is opening its doors for you on the shores of the Baltic Sea at the end of the year?
2023-12-30 (en, et, de, fr) https://www.taize.fr/en_article37442.html
2023-12-30 (et) https://e-kirik.eelk.ee/2023/jargmine-euroopa-noorte-aastavahetuse-kokkutulek-toimub-tallinnas/
2023-12-31 (de) https://www.vaticannews.va/de/welt/news/2023-12/naechstes-taize-jugendtreffen-ende-2024-tallinn-estland.html
Provisional program¶
Saturday 28/12/2024
Arrival and welcome of participants in local communities, hospitality in families
Supper and evening prayer at Tondiraba ice hall
Sunday 29/12, Monday 30/12 Tuesday 31/12
Morning prayer and program in the host communities
Midday prayer
Afternoon workshops by team in Tallinn city center
Supper at Tondiraba ice hall (a packed lunch is given for the following day)
Prayer together at Tondiraba ice hall
Wednesday 01/01/2025
Morning prayer and farewell meeting in the host communities
Lunch in families
Departure for the journey back home
See also the Taizé website.